Monday, March 12, 2007

The idea for this post came from an e-mail exchange that started this morning. Really condensed, it would read something like this.

Kevin: It was really wet out on the way to work, and I started thinking about how it would be cool to make a video with people jumping in puddles.

Jeremy: I'm in.

So I didn't make a video about splashing in puddles. But we did decide to spend an hour - just an hour - putting together a video and writing a song to go along with it. Both of us are so busy with our lives/jobs/school/whatever that we don't find the time to do the things we love to do and that we're good at. So we're hoping that once a month, we'll take just one hour out of our days to make a video and write a song. And then we'll post them. And we'll be better people for it.

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