Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The first day is over, and thus begins the second day (frost free, which I take as a good sign). Set It Up orientation was a success. 12 of the 13 participants showed up (we lost one due to a job-related scheduling conflict). While everyone seemed quiet at first, by the end of the day people seemed to loosen up. I think they enjoyed the interviewing excercise. There was a short-lived pizza crisis, as Domino's tried to deliver our pizzas to the fourth floor (we're on the second - I'm not sure how "suite 250" translated to "fourth floor").

Every TV show needs an opening, so the first matter of business for Set It Up is to shoot and edit one. The main problem we encountered with the creation of an open is that our participants come in on different days (Tuesday is a meeting day, then groups of 3-5 meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday). So how do we create a unified open if we have three different groups? After a bit of debate, the solution we came up with was to have the participants think of different words, phrases, themes, etc. that they thought were representative of Set It Up. Then, we had them discuss and come up with their top three. We ended up with something along the lines of: "youth making a difference," "sharing our talent," and "communicating through media." Now, each production group will be assigned one of these broad themes and will shoot a short segment where they will attempt to visually express its meaning. Not bad, right?

So today is our first production day, and the group that meets on Wednesdays will be assigned "communicating through media." I'm sure they'll have some interesting ideas. On an unrelated note, I got up early this morning to go to Rainbow Foods to buy sixty Juicy Juice boxes and 60 granola bars. You can just call me snack man.

1 comment:

rox said...

Hey Snack Man-
Uh-oh. Looks like your program isn't so indivisible after all! But hey, 12 is cool- it's twice six, which is a perfect number! Perhaps the pizza delivery people thought that room number has nothing to do with floor number, much the way that address numbers seem to have little to do with street numbers in downtown St. Paul...

Just some thoughts. Congrats on a successful day one! Sounds like you're in for a great year.